Discover why you write today 🤔

Create your Writer's Toolbox 🧰

Finish your Novel ✍️

Publish it your Way 📘

Turning writers into authors, ready to get started?

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Interested in becoming a writer? Maybe even publishing a novel?

 Fantastic! 👍Welcome to the large and exciting world of writers!

But what exactly does it mean to be a writer? What’s the underlying motivation behind your writing aspirations? In other words…

Why do you write?

Do you see the problem here?

If you’re not clear about why you write, indecision will prevent you from setting clear writing goals. You cannot aim at a target you can’t see, right?

If you stay on this course you’re bound to end up lost, frustrated, and stuck in an endless cycle of poor, unfinished manuscripts.

So what’s a writer to do? How can you set yourself up for success and prevent the writer’s block that often comes with indecision?

Don’t fret! It alls starts with you taking proactive steps to align your desire to write with a powerful future vision. I have four suggestions for you:

  1. Define why you write today: Don’t hesitate! Whether your goal is to write bestsellers, self-publish books, or simply write for yourself, go for it! The underlying reason behind your goal will guide you in determining which aspects of writing to focus on, how much time and money to invest, and the when, if, and how of publishing your work.
  2. Create your Writer’s Toolbox 🧰: To become an exceptional writer, it is essential for every writer to have a repertoire of tools and strategies at their disposal. Think of it as a treasure chest filled with gems that will guide you through the creative writing process.
  3. Open the Feedback Loop: Even the best writers need frequent, quality feedback from a professional editor and beta readers to enhance their skills. As a professional writer, editor, and mentor, I’m positioned to help you identify areas for improvement, and provide guidance and resources as needed.
  4. Write your Novel in Scrivener: I cannot stress enough the importance of using a good writing app, and Scrivener is one of the best on the market right now. With its organizational features, customizable templates, and robust tools it’s no wonder why so many writers choose to write their novels in Scrivener.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Because by the time I’m done with you, your writing self will be so crystal clear that you be cruising along to your dream novel in no time at all. 🤔

Need Writing Motivation?

Imagine your future as a writer. Close your eyes and visualize where you want to be in the next 5-10 years. Then consider how much farther along you might have been if you had decided to follow me today for daily writing inspiration?

Want to Master Writing Skills?

Sign up below and you’ll receive a free download link to the Scrivener Starter Novel Template – for free! 

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