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6 Core Concepts to Help You Write a Captivating Dystopian Novel

It’s the stuff of nightmares: a world gone wrong, where evil forces have taken over and life is a daily battle for survival. That’s the world of dystopian novels, and it’s one that has always been popular with readers. Whether it’s the post-apocalyptic wasteland of The Road or the oppressive regime of The Hunger Games, dystopian novels offer a unique blend of suspense, action, and social commentary. And while they may be set in worlds that are very different from our own, they often provide a powerful reflection on the society we live in today. So, if you’re looking for a gripping read that will leave you thinking long after you’ve turned the last page, then a dystopian novel is the perfect choice.

Here are 6 ideas for creating an awesome dystopian novel!

Create a believable and compelling world that is different from our own

Dystopian societies are, by their very nature, different from our own. They typically feature strict social controls, limited personal freedoms, and a government that is often dystopian Orwellian in its scope and power. Dystopian worlds can be fascinating places to explore, and they often offer a unique perspective on the human condition. Dystopian stories can be both entertaining and enlightening, and they often leave readers with much to think about long after they’ve finished reading. If you’re looking to create a believable and compelling dystopian world, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.

First, consider the social controls that will be in place in your society. What rules and regulations will govern the lives of its citizens? How will the government maintain control over the population?

Next, think about the personal freedoms that your citizens will have. In dystopian societies, these are usually quite limited. What rights will your citizens have? How will they be able to express themselves?

Finally, consider the role of the government in your dystopian world. Will it be an oppressive force or a benevolent one? Whatever you decide, remember that dystopian worlds are all about context. The details of your world should support the overall story you’re trying to tell. With these things in mind, you should be well on your way to creating a believable and compelling dystopian world that is truly different from our own.

Have your characters face difficult choices that force them to grow

In order to create compelling characters, it is important to give them choices that are difficult and nuanced. All too often, fictional characters are faced with black-and-white decisions that do not require much thought or growth. However, by forcing your characters to grapple with complex choices, you can help them to develop and grow as people. This can be done by putting them in situations where they must weigh conflicting desires or consider competing values. What is more, the best choices are often not obvious, and your characters will need to make use of their unique skills and abilities in order to find the right path forward. In short, by making your characters face difficult choices, you can help them to become more fully-formed and interesting people.

Write about the dark side of human nature, and how it manifests in a dystopian world

The dark side of human nature is written largely in a dystopian world. All of the worst impulses that lurk in the shadows of our psyche are amplified and given free rein. Greed, violence, cruelty, and intolerance are the order of the day, while compassion, empathy, and kindness are in short supply. It is the contrast between these emotions that dystopian literature excels. This is a world that stands in stark contrast to our own, yet still remains familiar in odd and unique ways. It is a world where human life has little value. It is a world of scarce resources and desperate competition, where the only way to survive is to be tougher, faster, and stronger than those who would do you harm. In such a world, it is easy to become hard-hearted and cynical. To survive, you must learn to distrust everyone around you. After all, in a world where only the strong survive, it pays to be suspicious of everyone else.

It can be a difficult world to write about, but it is also an important one. By exploring the dark side of human nature in your dystopian novel, you can offer readers a powerful reflection on the society we live in today. You can also show them how much progress we have made since our darkest times.

Don’t shy away from violence and horror – make your readers feel the fear and desperation of living in a dystopian society

In a dystopian society, fear is a constant companion. It lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce on any moment of weakness. It is the driving force behind every decision and every action. And it is completely exhilarating. As readers, we love to experience that fear vicariously through the characters in our stories. We want to feel their desperation, their hopelessness, and their courage in the face of impossible odds. That’s what makes dystopian fiction so captivating. So don’t be afraid to put your readers through the wringer. Show them the true horror of living in a world that has gone wrong. Let them feel the fear. It’s what the readers came for!

Try adding a touch of romance to give your readers hope for the future

In dystopian novels, it’s all too easy for readers to lose hope for the future. But adding a touch of romance can help to inject some optimism into the story. After all, if two people can find love in a dark and difficult world, then perhaps there is still some chance for happiness. Moreover, romance can add an element of suspense to the story, as readers will be eager to see if the couple can overcome the obstacles in their path. Ultimately, then, including a romance plotline can be a great way to give readers hope for the future even in the bleakest of dystopian worlds.

Explore the themes of freedom, individuality, and sacrifice

Freedom, individuality, and sacrifice are themes that are often explored in dystopian fiction. In a dystopian society, the government often controls everything and there is no freedom of choice. Individuals are often forced to conform to the norms of society and sacrifice their own wants and needs for the greater good. However, there are usually a few rebels who refuse to conform and fight for their own individual rights. These rebels represent the hope that one day the dystopian society will be overthrown and freedom will be restored. The themes of freedom, individuality, and sacrifice are often explored in dystopian fiction because they are universal themes that everyone can relate to. We all want to be free to make our own choices, be our own individual selves, and have the freedom to sacrifice for the greater good.

Conclusion paragraph: In conclusion, dystopian fiction presents a unique opportunity for authors to explore the dark side of human nature. By exploring themes like fear, oppression, and freedom, authors can offer readers powerful reflections on our own society while providing them with an exciting story full of suspense and romance. With its bleak settings and characters struggling against impossible odds, dystopian fiction is sure to captivate readers from start to finish. So don’t be afraid to dive into this world of darkness – you never know what you might find.

Picture of Oliver Evensen

Oliver Evensen

Host of Literature & Latte's monthly "Scrivener Webinar Series" and fantasy author, Oliver Evensen has over 15 years of experience with Scrivener and the craft of writing. Oliver shares expert tips and strategies to help writers master their tools and bring their stories to life.

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