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Is Microsoft Word Outdated?

Three Reasons to Stop using Microsoft Word Today

 Yes, it is outdated! And here are three reasons why I think you should all stop using Microsoft Word for novel writing today. 

  1. Word does not handle long form writing well.
    • Word slows down significantly after about 30,000 words. I don’t know about you, but all my fantasy novels are well over 30,000 words. 
    • To compensate for abysmal performance, writers create multiple word document adding needless complexity and confusion to your writing process. 
  2. Word documents are linear and not project based, which means research files must stored in separate word documents or in another application altogether.
    • As a fantasy writer I do loads of world building. My research includes images, videos, audio files, PDFs, and more. If I persist in using Microsoft Word I’d have to keep all this information organized somewhere on my mac. There just no way to keep it all in a single word document.
    • Moving text and images around in word is clunky, difficult, and ultimately time-consuming. 
  3. Cost
    • As of this writing Microsoft Word cost $139.99 if you’re purchasing it for a single computer.
    • Alternatively, you can purchase the Microsoft 365 for $69.99/year, but if you’re anything like me you’re sick of the subscription model, which eats away at your money. I just don’t use Microsoft Office enough to justify the cost as a self-employed writer, and if you’re just starting it’s not worth the investment. 

Why You’ll Probably Ignore Me

I have given you my reasons to let it go, but you are probably thinking along these lines—

  • But Microsoft Word is familiar. I don’t want to learn something new. 
    • Learning to use a new, better writing tool is better than losing time on a tool that doesn’t do the job very well.
  • It’s the industry standard and lots of people still use it. I can’t just stop using it. 
    • Sure, you may still use it occasionally. If you own it, but don’t follow the crowd. The crowd isn’t always right. 
  • Word has lots of great formatting features. 
    • Most writing apps can export to Word for final formatting if you really really want to use those features, but there are other great apps that handle formatting better than Word. Repeat after me. The first draft is ugly, and that’s okay. 
  • Many renowned and successful writers still use Microsoft Word today.
    • This argument is perhaps the best argument to continuing using Word. However, remember it’s not the tool that makes a writer great. You become a better writer by reading good books and writing consistently. No two writers are the same. Create a workflow that helps you get your writing done.
  • I already own a copy or I get it free from work. 
    • Cost is not an issue for you. I get it, but there are still two compelling reasons why you should drop it. Don’t remember what those reasons are? Read it again. 

Alternatives to Microsoft Word 

Decided to move On? There are ample alternatives to Word, but there are very few that really stand out to me. Feel free to explore options outside this list as it’s not exhaustive. I stay away from any web-based apps because I don’t trust them with my data. Try each of these out and then invest in yourself. As of this writing, I’m am not affiliated with any of these apps and do not earn a commission if you use the links below. 

  • iA Writer—$29
    • Simple and Powerful
    • Focus and Flow
    • No Subscription
    • Cross Platform Support—macOS, iOS, Android, Windows
    • Free Trial available
  • Scrivener—$49
    • Designed with writing, researching, outlining, and structuring in mind.
    • Automatic Backups
    • No Subscription
    • Cross Platform Support—macOS, iOS, Android, Windows
    • Free trial available
  • Storyist—$59
    • Full-Featured Word Processor
    • Flexible Outliner
    • Autosave and Versions
    • Cross Platform Support—macOS, iOS 
    • Free Trial available

Now know why I avoid using Word. I hope you’ll make a switch. Your fellow novelists will thank you, and you’ll be better off too. If you’d like to go deeper, check out my YouTube video. Have any suggestions on what you’d like to hear next. Leave a comment below. Thanks!

Picture of Oliver Evensen

Oliver Evensen

Host of Literature & Latte's monthly "Scrivener Webinar Series" and fantasy author, Oliver Evensen has over 15 years of experience with Scrivener and the craft of writing. Oliver shares expert tips and strategies to help writers master their tools and bring their stories to life.

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