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Unlock the Secrets of Crafting a Captivating and Enigmatic Magic System

Creating a believable and captivating magic system for your novel can be a daunting task. It is important to make sure that the magic in your story is not only consistent but also enigmatic and intriguing enough to keep readers guessing. In this post, we will explore some of the secrets to crafting a magic system that will enchant and mesmerize your audience. Keep in mind that writing has no immutable laws, so use these tips as loose guidance rather than absolute mandates.

Guideline #1—Avoid using magic to solve conflicts. 

With access to magic in storytelling, it can be extremely tempting to use magic to solve all your characters’ problems. When you rely too heavily on magic to help your characters escape difficult scenarios, it can lead to Deus Ex Machina – a narratively lazy plot device that can rob your characters, storyline, and universe of any depth. If we wish to avoid this common mistake, it is essential that we comprehend the workings of magic systems and how authors can leverage them as a powerful tool in crafting captivating stories for readers.

For the purpose of this discussion, let’s separate magic systems into three distinct categories: soft magic, hard magic, and a combination of both. We’ll begin by exploring what exactly is meant by “soft” or “hard” magic systems.

What are Soft Magic Systems?

Telling tales that include soft magic systems is focused on fostering a deep-rooted atmosphere of astonishment, obscurity, and danger. The author’s intention is to create an awe-inspiring atmosphere, such that the reader and characters are left in a state of wonderment at the magnitude of their world’s mysterious and magical forces. Even the characters within this story do not foresee what lies ahead because anything is conceivable. These magic systems are capable of unknown extraordinary feats.

Skilled authors who specialize in soft magic systems seldom use their magical elements to resolve dilemmas for protagonists. Instead, the utilization of magic serves as an obstacle that propels characters toward finding solutions without depending on sorcery; thus helping to progress both story and character arcs while simultaneously creating a vivid universe. By employing magic as a source of impediment, it can become an effective tool that shapes thrilling narratives.

Are you looking to write a soft magic system? Then make sure your magic does not provide solutions for the characters. When they attempt to utilize it, let it behave unexpectedly and put them in unforeseen situations. Use the magical elements mainly for atmosphere-building or highlighting, except when needed to create an obstacle – which is perfectly acceptable! 

What are Hard Magic Systems?

Hard magic is a style of storytelling where the author clearly outlines and details the laws governing their fictional magical system. The writer’s goal is to allow readers to feel like they are part of the magic system through the lives of the characters they are reading. By utilizing hard magic systems, authors can easily provide readers with guidelines that help them better understand the story without fully divulging all of its secrets. This allows you, the writer, to create an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue as you carefully reveal more and more about your magic system throughout the course of the story! Ideally, the magic should be so deeply ingrained into your world and characters that it organically progresses the plot and character arc and fleshes out the world you are building.

Unlike soft magic, hard magic systems can serve as a useful tool for your characters to creatively tackle the obstacles they face. This is a key differentiator that makes them so powerful! The explicit laws and boundaries allow this since the magic system can’t directly solve the problem without the character putting in sincere thought and planning. It merely becomes an awesome tool for your characters to use to work toward their primary and immediate motivations. It’s important to note that the magic system isn’t solving the problem. The character is using the magic as a tool to solve their problem. So long as you keep that in mind, you can usually avoid falling into the Deus Ex Machina trap. 

What is a Hybrid Magic system?

Most writers are somewhere in the middle between these two extremes. Regardless of where you find yourself on the magic spectrum, resist the urge to use magic to solve problems unless you’ve already explained and shown that aspect of how the magic system works. Avoid granting your heroes or villains new abilities when it is convenient, and be mindful of writing laws into the system that only apply to a single scenario. This can make your magical powers appear weak and too easy to use, even if you have previously outlined their capacities.

Guideline #2—Limitation > Powers

Crafting interesting characters isn’t about what they can do, but rather the struggles and conflicts that impede them from doing it. This conflict is what makes them captivating to read and write—the same holds true for magic systems as well! You could almost think of it as another character in your novel. Incorporating limits, weaknesses, and costs into a magical system will provide the needed conflict to make your magic system intriguing, fun to write, and a powerful tool for your characters. You know you’ve struck the right balance when your magic system can’t solve all their problems easily, but it can help them achieve their goals in interesting and exciting ways. Characters are obliged to put in more effort when magic is harder to use, creating an atmosphere of strife. Tension can also be triggered if characters need to pay a cost for using the enchanted powers such cost of Stormlight, which powers Brandon Sanderson’s magic systems in the Stormlight Archive series. Costs add remarkable complexity and ultimately enrich your story-telling capabilities as you’ll have further opportunities to delve deeper into the reasons behind every action taken within your world.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the differences between limitations, weaknesses and costs – all of which are types of restrictions but possess unique features. 

  1. Limitations are the boundaries that constrain what your magical systems simply cannot achieve. To ensure stability and consistency, it is important to establish a reasonable set of rational limitations for your magic system.
  2. Weaknesses are exploitable openings an adversary can take advantage of – instead of representing what a power cannot do, these signify areas in which the power is exposed.
  3. Costs are the price the magic wielder must pay in order to use the magic. Magic, in any system, almost always comes with a price. This cost can be more abstract such as that seen in the Wheel of Time series–where men using the One Power will eventually succumb to madness–or concrete like what is presented by Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker novel where the amount of breaths a character maintains determines how many objects they can Awaken.

Creating Your Magic System

Now that we have identified some key principles for constructing an incredible magic system, let’s review a few pivotal questions to spur your creativity and get the ball rolling.  

How do your characters gain access to the magic?

Experiencing magic can occur through two typical methods, innate and learned magic or a combination of both. You can really make your magical abilities stand out from the rest, strive for breaking past any limits that come with having an innately gifted ability, and find new ways to gain access to its power.

How is the magic powered?

Magic, in all its forms and capacities, will ultimately defy the laws of physics. To combat this phenomenon, ponder your understanding of the law of thermodynamics: what is providing power to this magic? Where does energy originate from and where does it dissipate? For example, characters could tap into an amorphous force to fuel their magic by drawing upon personal willpower or a mysterious power of the universe. These two examples are commonly used and while they are not necessarily “bad,” it pays off to be creative and avoid traditional tactics. Doing so encourages innovation and originality in your work. Crafting unique magic systems is one of the most effective strategies we have to create captivating, original content. By doing so, we can push beyond simply being “fresh” and truly innovate in inspiring ways.

How frequently can this amazing magic be summoned? Does it necessitate special tools or ingredients? Is a certain state of mind imperative for its activation?

Once again, stay away from the standard. Look beyond what your first responses are.

Above all, don’t forget the goal is to craft a great story. You mustn’t merely compose more intricate stories- you as a writer are here to create outstanding stories that are arguably even better than what came before. Consequently, it’s best to set limitations that will manifest in real tangible effects on each character rather than pretend outcomes (such as when magical powers require implements with no consequence for plot or emotions and cost nothing extra so characters never lack them). Look for ways where magic can be tied into other elements of your setting in order to make life challenging yet interesting for those practicing it.

What different types of magic can be used in your story?

When it comes to magic, there are almost limitless possibilities. Whether you want your characters to cast spells, wield powerful artifacts, or command natural elements, the sky is the limit. However, it can be helpful to consider what type of magic will best suit your story. For example, if you want your tale to focus on the battle between good and evil, then destructive magic might be a key component. On the other hand, if you want to emphasize the importance of cooperation and teamwork, then healing magic could be a central element. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. So consider all of your options and choose the magic that will help bring your story to life.

Tips for world-building and creating a magical society

In order to create a believable and fascinating magical society, there are a few key elements that you will need to consider. First, what is the source of magic in this world? Is it innate, something that is passed down through bloodlines? Or is it something that can be learned by anyone who is willing to put in the work? Once you have decided on the source of magic, you will need to establish the rules and limitations that govern its use. What are the consequences for breaking those rules? Is magic a force for good or evil? How does it impact the everyday lives of those who live in your world? These are just a few of the questions you will need to answer in order to create a fully realized magical society. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can build a world that will captivate and enthrall your readers.

Examples of well-done magic systems from popular books and movies

Some of the best examples of magic systems in fiction are those that are based on simple yet elegant rules. For example, in the Harry Potter series, magic is based on the use of specific words and gestures known as “spells.” These spells are used to perform a wide variety of tasks, from levitating objects to conjuring fire. Similarly, in the Lord of the Rings series, magic is based on the use of special items such as the “Ring of Power,” which grant the wielder a variety of powers, such as invisibility. Finally, in the movie The Princess Bride, magic is based on the use of “true love,” which grants the wielder a variety of special powers and abilities. All of these examples demonstrate how simple yet effective rules can be used to create fascinating and believable magic systems.

Magic is a powerful tool in a storyteller’s arsenal. It can be used to create awe and wonder, to drive the plot forward, and to create a believable and fascinating world. When done well, magic systems can add an extra layer of excitement and intrigue to your novel, but creating a unique and believable magic system for your story requires careful thought and planning. Consider all of your options when it comes to choosing a source for your magical power, establishing rules for its use, and developing a world where it is accepted as part of everyday life. With hard work and dedication, you can create something that will captivate and entertain your readers for years to come. Good luck!

Picture of Oliver Evensen

Oliver Evensen

Host of Literature & Latte's monthly "Scrivener Webinar Series" and fantasy author, Oliver Evensen has over 15 years of experience with Scrivener and the craft of writing. Oliver shares expert tips and strategies to help writers master their tools and bring their stories to life.

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